Uniqskills courses and programmes

Catalogue > Education

This course will teach you techniques and methods of Play Therapy for children which become more widely used to express their desires and frustrations in a natural and safe way.

suggested study:
8 weeks
£ 99

Identify and address the needs of students. Help children with personal, social and emotional issues affecting various aspects of their lives and relationships with our comprehensive online course.

suggested study:
12 weeks
£ 149

The Headteacher’s Executive PA Specialist Certificate will help you with your current and future responsibilities. If you are new to the role or require a refresher, then Headteacher's PA Specialist Certificate: Level 1 is for you. If you are more experienced, then we recommend Headteacher's Executive PA Specialist Certificate: Level 2 to develop your skills.

suggested study:
12 weeks
£ 299

Our online course is designed specifically to ensure you gain the qualifications and skills required to excel in this profession. This online course covers all aspects of the exam officer role, and is designed specifically for those new to the role.

suggested study:
12 weeks
£ 149